From the moment you list with Avram he will be working towards a successful sale and these are some of the steps that will be taken:
Your property details will be entered into Property Brokers computer system.
We will notify other sales people in the Rural and Lifestyle team that your property is listed.
We will verify some basic information about your property including details of rates, school bus routes, postal delivery services etc.
We will order online a copy of the title for your property or obtain survey plans where applicable.
We will prepare an information sheet with photos, the facts about the property and a detailed description for the intending purchaser.
My team will organise professional photography and we will ask you to approve our selection before going live on the internet.
We will discuss with you, access to the property and perhaps organise a “lock box” which other salespeople in the company rural team have a master key to.
We will erect signage, with your permission to maximise exposure to passing traffic.
We will write advertisement scripts for various publications and check the copy with you if that is your wish.
We will bring the other salespeople in the company rural and lifestyle team to inspect your property so that they can also quote it to their buyers.
Various internet sites are loaded with photos and script for your property, including this site.
The other salespeople in the company rural team will also access their own computer databases and notify all qualified buyers regarding your property – by phone, by email or by post.
We will also liaise with your solicitor, accountant, surveyor or valuer when required.