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Sales Statistics March 2016

Posted by dev on May 2, 2016
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According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in March 2016 were as follows:

Lot 2 Avery Road Bare Land 1.91 N/A 12 October 205,000
109 Tironui Drive Lifestyle 1.51 1,025,000 28 February 805,000
126 Puketapu Road Lifestyle 2.22 400,000 10 March 575,000
148 Ballantyne Road Lifestyle 1.53 860,000 14 March 952,400
31 Boyd Road Lifestyle 2.04 1,000,000 23 March 1,049,000
771 Kahuranaki Road Bare Land 2.43 N/A 20 December 325,000
154 Gilbertson Road Horticulture 12.00 1,500,000 26 January 1,450,000
320 Rochfort Road Lifestyle 51.30 1,680,000 01 February 1,300,000
123 St Georges Road Lifestyle 1.04 770,000 22 March 1,156,300
Endsleigh Road Bare Land 0.80 N/A 31 March 600,000
Aorangi Road Bare Land 0.32 N/A 14 March 150,000
1048 Kahuranaki Road Bare Land 2.50 144,000 05 February 215,000
1858 Taihape Road Lifestyle 4.00 520,000 06 February 545,000
Lot 4 Bellerby Lane Bare Land 0.98 175,000 06 February 178,000
1831 Pakowhai Road Lifestyle 3.23 530,000 14 February 642,000
Timoti Road Bare Land 1.51 206,000 18 February 86,500
1224 Ohiti Road Lifestyle 9.32 480,000 18 February 600,000
630 Matahorua Road Lifestyle 2.96 230,000 23 February 200,000
529 Dartmoor Road Horticulture 7.29 N/A 26 February 575,000
18 Millar Road Lifestyle 2.20 875,000 29 February 990,000
233 Apley Road Lifestyle 6.65 385,000 01 March 440,500
121 Hedgeley Road Bare Land 2.94 200,000 02 March 255,000
219 Apley Road Lifestyle 6.18 445,000 03 March 399,000
1050 Kahuranaki Road Bare Land 2.50 180,000 04 March 320,000
Waimarama Road Bare Land 2.44 225,000 06 March 149,000
Lot 22 Eskridge Farm Park Bare Land 0.25 N/A 08 March 260,000
57 Crystall Road Lifestyle 6.00 830,000 10 March 1,062,000
142 Lane Road Lifestyle 1.54 820,000 10 March 820,000
1889 Pakowhai Road Lifestyle 2.84 570,000 14 March 690,000
908 Park Road South Lifestyle 0.80 680,000 17 March 715,000
272 Middle Road Lifestyle 8.24 1,170,000 22 March 1,100,000
338 St Georges Road Lifestyle 0.41 380,000 22 March 685,000
1614 Maraetotara Road Bare Land 0.96 110,000 16 March 110,000
125 Meeanee Road Lifestyle 0.25 350,000 08 March 475,000
235 Middle Road Lifestyle 0.60 800,000 26 February 1,130,000
166 Durham Drive Lifestyle 0.44 1,600,000 15 March 1,500,000
365 Kahuranaki Road Lifestyle 0.26 1,530,000 02 March 1,848,000


Disclaimer:    The figures correlated above have been derived from REINZ statistics. Their accuracy cannot be guaranteed for any error, omission or misdescription