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Sales Statistics July 2016

Posted by dev on August 22, 2016
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According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District,  Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in July 2016 were as follows:

Lot 3 Avery Road Bare Land 3.0 N/A 25 September 220,000
Lot 1 Seafield Road Bare Land 2.22 N/A 28 September 210,000
95 McLeod Road Lifestyle 3.41 955,000 20 June 852,000
490 Puketitiri Road Horticulture 10.86 740,000 06 July 900,000
418 St Georges Road Lifestyle 1.21 640,000 12 November 595,000
51 Waipuka Road Bare Land 5.66 320,000 15 January 370,000
641 Waimarama Road Lifestyle 0.45 900,000 22 January 850,000
130 Enfield Drive Lifestyle 1.74 1,675,000 06 May 1,450,000
17 Omarunui Road Bare Land 1.09 410,000 08 May 380,000
104 Arataki Road Lifestyle 4.95 1,080,000 30 May 900,000
316 SHWY 5 Horticulture 28.57 N/A 06 June 3,000,000
152 Anderson Road Lifestyle 16.44 1,300,000 09 June 1,675,000
86 York Road Lifestyle 7.35 760,000 16 June 1,205,000
Salisbury Road Bare Land 1.74 N/A 18 June 147,000
Lot 9 Bellerby Lane Bare Land 0.80 N/A 22 June 225,000
St Georges Road Horticulture 3.92 410,000 27 June 380,000
Lot 33 Eskridge Farm Park Bare Land 0.37 N/A 28 June 160,000
1400 Railway Road Lifestyle 4.06 560,000 01 July 725,000
1464 Taihape Road Lifestyle 6.84 630,000 04 July 740,000
114 Aupaki Road Lifestyle 0.76 640,000 05 July 350,000
Lot 4 Eskridge Farm Park Bare Land 0.25 N/A 05 July 240,000
325 Ormond Road Viticulture 7.87 820,000 06 July 1,150,000
175 Lane Road Lifestyle 4.12 1,750,000 07 July 1,600,000
338 Hill Road Bare Land 2.04 190,000 08 July 330,000
83 Kereru Road Lifestyle 0.52 370,000 09 July 382,000
214 Ngatarawa Road Lifestyle 6.00 815,000 11 July 950,000
122 Epsom Rise Lifestyle 1.50 N/A 12 July 1,400,000
1050 Kahuranaki Road Bare Land 2.50 180,000 13 July 340,000
1733 Matapiro Road Lifesyle 6.78 495,000 15 July 574,000
469 St Georges Road Lifestyle 1.61 900,000 15 July 1,170,000
134 Kopanga Road Lifestyle 1.50 690,000 16 July 980,000
Pakowhai & Evenden Roads Horticulture 15.39 N/A 21 July 3,275,000
Lot 6 Puketitiri Road Bare Land 0.61 N/A 29 July 250,000
17 Omarunui Road Bare Land 0.62 410,000 08 May 420,000


Disclaimer:   The figures correlated above have been derived from REINZ statistics. Their accuracy cannot be guaranteed for any error, omission or misdescription