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Sales Statistics September 2013

Posted by dev on December 9, 2013
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According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in September 2013 were as follows:


Section 21 Tangoio Road Bare Land 19 N/A 31 May 490,000
577 Whakapirau Road Lifestyle 1.5 400,000 24 June 375,000
Ohiti Road Bare Land 0.25 N/A 9 July 95,000
Ohiti Road Bare Land 0.25 N/A 22 July 105,000
Ohiti Road Bare Land 0.25 N/A 20 August 110,000
1042 Kahuranaki Road Lifestyle 2.3 N/A 6 August 762,000
338 St George’s Road Lifestyle 2.3 N/A 16 August 735,000
1183 Te Aute Trust Road Lifestyle 3.3 460,000 21 August 475,000
321 Riverbend Road Lifestyle 9.3 590,000 28 August 510,000
234 St George’s Road Lifestyle 15 N/A 5 Sept 1,445,000
149 Mt Erin Road Horticulture 7.9 930,000 6 Sept 1,127,000
199 Longlands Road East Horticulture 24.4 1,160,000 6 Sept 1,270,000
80 Wairoa Road Lifestyle 0.50 310,000 10 Sept 345,000
Lot 20 Puketitiri Road Bare Land 0.79 N/A 6 Sept 195,000
Lot 1 Tauroa Road Bare Land 0.8 355,000 6 Sept 280,000
Lot 6 The Poplars Bare Land 0.25 560,000 30 Sept 425,000
12 Watson Road Lifestyle 0.50 665,000 21 August 677,500


Disclaimer:  The figures correlated above have been derived from REINZ statistics. Their accuracy cannot be guaranteed for any error, omission or misdescription